Thursday, February 15, 2007

When I first embarked on this blog journey I did it for two reasons:

1. To experiment with the form and to see if it was something I could get in to
2. To keep up with the "Technoratti's" (formerly known as "The Jones's")

Enthusiasm, naivety & grande plans leads us down some colorful paths. This path has been littered with good intentions. But where lofty literary aims were crafted only the baubles of mortal flesh remain. I failed as a virile virtual correspondent. I failed even as an occasional commentator. Limp & mute is moi!

Perhaps this is the medium for the young or young at heart. Perhaps it the realm of the frustrated and/or misunderstood journalist. Although I have kept a personal journal since the age of fourteen the blog (I’m afraid to admit) has not grabbed my short & curlies nor has it captured a latent ADHD communication strain.

I will however persist and shimmy down a new path. Perhaps rather than employing the word I will adopt the image as my preferred mode of virtual communication. I am proud to say that my first publicly exhibited pictures will be showing at the Queen Victoria Women's Centre for the next week or so. It will be launched on Saturday 17th February 2007 by Kate Durham (wonderful Melbourne artist and refugee activist I am chuffed that my first public photographs are part of the exhibition “In It Together” which involved 350 Victorians, from 10 to 90 years old, talking about the rights & responsibilities important to them.

I close this current blog with a link to some photos I took on Xmas Day 2006. As of today great intentions return. I intend to add more photographs. This is the plan. But the reality may not match this plan so well made.

yours in ‘fine intentionedness”


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